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News - 16-Jul-2024
VCAA Literature List 2024

The VCAA has approved the Literature list for 2024. If your school is studying a title that does not appear...

The VCAA has approved the Literature list for 2024. If your school is studying a title that does not appear on the updated list, consider a suitable alternative for your students next year. We have summarised some of these titles below and included links to accompanying study resources.

It is important to keep in mind the themes that you are looking to explore in these units to see if they suit the school and most importantly your students.

When choosing your texts, remember to follow the selection guidelines as outlined by the VCAA. If you want to explore your options, replace a title or are simply curious to see what titles will be listed in 2024, please see the entire list below.




Astley, Thea, Drylands (New for 2024)
Atwood, Margaret, Alias Grace
Faulkner, William, As I Lay Dying 
Ishiguro, Kazuo, The Remains of the Day 
Lindsay, Joan, Picnic at Hanging Rock
Murnane, Gerald, The Plains (New for 2024)
Stoker, Bram, Dracula 
Winch, Tara June, The Yield
Zola, Emile, (Brian Nelson transl.), The Ladies’ Paradise


Aeschylus, The Persians (New for 2024)
Chekhov, Anton, Uncle Vanya
Harmon, Joshua, Admissions (New for 2024)
Kirkwood, Lucy, Chimerica
Murray-Smith, Joanna, Berlin
Parks, Suzan-Lori, Father Comes Home from the Wars: Parts 1, 2 and 3
Rostand, Edmond, Cyrano de Bergerac (New for 2024)
Shakespeare, William, As You Like It (New for 2024)
Shakespeare, William, The Winter’s Tale


Chiang, Ted, Stories of Your Life and Others 
Munro, Alice, Dance of the Happy Shades, Vintage
Tan, Elizabeth, Smart Ovens for Lonely People


Baldwin, James, The Fire Next Time 
Seacole, Mary, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands
Winton, Tim, The Boy Behind the Curtain


Dickinson, Emily, The Complete Poems
Duffy, Carol Ann, The World’s Wife
Holland-Batt, Sarah, The Hazards (New for 2024)
Slessor, Kenneth Selected Poems
van Neerven, Ellen, Throat
Yeats, William Butler, Poems Selected by Seamus Heaney 

The following titles have been removed from the VCAA Literature List for 2024:

Austen, Jane, Northanger Abbey
Wright, Alexis, Carpentaria
Euripides, Hippolytus
Morrison, Toni, Desdemona
Shakespeare, William, Othello
White, Petra, A Hunger (revised edition)

Available ATAR Notes Text Guides for the following VCAA Literature titles:

Coming Soon!


Insight Text Guides available for the following titles:

Insight Text Guide: Picnic At Hanging Rock
Insight Text Guide: The Yield
Insight Text Guide: The Boy Behind the Curtain
Insight Text Guide: Kenneth Slessor's Selected Poems


At this point in time the following information is provided to the best of our knowledge. This article will be updated as new information arises.


Get in touch!

If your school would like more information on these titles or would like any of the above mentioned titles invoiced or on approval please send an email to

To view what is on the VCAA English & EAL Text List for 2024, click here.

The information in this article is cited from the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority.