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Privacy Policy

Our commitment 

Lilydale Books Pty Ltd (ABN 30 160 957 004) and other related parties and business trading names, including Educational Ebooks (known collectively for the purposes of this Privacy Policy as Lilydale Books Group (LB Group) are committed to complying with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) Australia as well as amendments to that Act and other applicable data protection laws (together, Data Protection Legislation).

This Privacy Policy explains the way we collect, maintain and handle your personal information. Any reference to ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ in this policy refers to LB Group.



At LB Group, we take the privacy and security of our clients seriously. We are committed to best practice procedures in the way we handle and store personal information. This Privacy Policy describes the types of information that we collect, how the information is collected, and how it is used or disclosed by us and the safeguards we use to protect it. The personal information we collect is solely used for the purpose of providing LB Group products or services. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as outlined in this Privacy Policy, or otherwise permitted by law.


What does Lilydale Books do?

Lilydale Books provides educational resources such as textbooks, novels, stationery as well as digital products via online, in person or via our software. These products are distributed directly to you, or access is provided to digital resources via an account. 

Our software comprises of our websites and (Sites) as well the Educational Ebooks Applications (Apps).


The information we collect

We only collect necessary personal information for the purposes of conducting LB Group business and in order to provide you with access to digital resources via our software or supply products that have been purchased. Personal information means information about you from which you can be reasonably identified. The information we collect will depend on your relationship with us. 

Below is an example of some the information we may collect by different users of our products or services:

In providing access to digital resources, we may collect:

  • First and Last Name

  • Email Address

  • School

  • Year level

  • Student ID

To supply products, we may collect: 

  • First and Last Name 

  • Email Address

  • Home Address

  • Mobile or Home Phone Number

We may also collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to, when you come into our store, when you place an order, provide feedback, change products or email preferences, respond to a survey, or communicate with our customer support team.

Generally, we will not collect sensitive information. Examples of sensitive information would include your race, religion, political beliefs, gender, ethnic background or affiliations. If we need to collect sensitive information about you, we would only do so with your knowledge and consent and the information is reasonably necessary for LB Group to be able to provide our products or services.


How we collect your information and hold your personal information

We may collect personal information through a number of ways depending on how you interact with us. This may include: 

  • Purchases made online or instore;

  • Creating an account on our Sites – via email or from telephone calls;

  • Emails, Live Chat, submitting an Online Enquiry Form and other transactions you make with us;

  • Submitting an application or registering interest for employment with us, including from recruitment agencies or referees;

  • Conducting marketing activities which may include requests for more information, for example competitions or events; and

  • From entities whom you have authorised to disclose your personal information, such as your school or your child’s school.

To the extent that we directly collect the personal information of individuals under the age of 18, we do so with the consent of their school or parent or guardian.


Why we collect your information and how we use it

We will only use and collect personal information that is reasonably necessary for the LB Group to fulfil its functions and activities that are relevant in providing you with products and services.

In managing your interactions with us, we may use your personal information to:

  • Provide our products and services to you;

  • Communicate with you in relation to your account or an order you have placed;

  • Monitor, audit, evaluate and otherwise administer our products and services (including digital content or resources);

  • Provide you with access to protected areas of our websites;

  • To comply with our legal obligations; 

  • In order to review your application for employment; and

  • Assist with the administrative, marketing (including direct marketing), planning, product or service development, quality control of the LB Group.


What happens if we cannot collect your personal information

If we do not obtain all the necessary information we need from you, the following may happen:

  • We may not be able to provide you with and subsequently administer some or all our products or services; and/or

  • We may not be able to provide you with information about our products and services.


How and with whom we share personal information

To provide you with the products and services you require, and for the purposes set out above, we may disclose your personal information to another person or third-party organisation. We take reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information. 

We may disclose your personal information to the following third parties:

  • Couriers – to fulfil the delivery of purchased products;

  • Publishers – to provide access to digital resources that have been purchased;

  • Schools – to provide you with goods or services you have purchased such as subscription-based products via your school’s booklist;

  • Software Providers – to provide access to digital resources that have been purchased or fulfil access.

This information may be encrypted, partially provided, or provided via secure link or API to ensure the integrity and security of the data.

We will not sell or otherwise provide your personal information to other organisations, nor provide organisations outside the LB Group with your personal information unrelated to the products or services we provide you.

We collect information to enable us to provide you with products or access to digital resources through our platform or Apps that you have purchased, fulfil our legal obligations, conduct marketing, maintain your contact details or as otherwise authorised by you.

If we collect your personal information for a purpose that is not listed above, we will disclose such purpose at the time we collect the information.


Dealing with Lilydale Books online 

When you visit our Sites you will browse anonymously unless you have logged into an account. 

For all visitors to our Sites, we use cookies to collect anonymous information such as the server your computer is logged on to, screen resolution, referring websites, your browser type (for example, Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox), and your IP address. We may also derive the location associated with an IP address and other information transmitted by your browser.

Once you have logged into your account or provided us with personal information by completing a form online, we may be able to identify you and we may combine that with other information in order to provide you with a better online experience. If you would prefer not to be identified you can delete the cookies and reconfigure the cookie preferences on your internet browser (see below).



 A 'cookie' is a packet of information placed on a user's computer by a website for record keeping purposes. While cookies are not considered personal information, they are generally used on our Sites to:

  • Access online services – if you log into our secure areas on our Sites we will use cookies to authorise your access and save your preferences.

  • Manage advertising – when you see one of our ads on a third-party website, cookies are sometimes used to collect anonymous information about the page you visit and the type of software you are using.

  • Monitor traffic – we use anonymous information to track how people are using the site. This may include time of visit, pages visited and some system information about the type of computer you are using.

  • Monitor your use of our website – if we have identified you as a result of you logging into a ‘Your Account’, accessing our website from a personalised communication or providing us with personal information by completing a form online, we may use cookies to collect personal information about you.

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent.

If you disable the use of cookies on your web browser or remove or reject specific cookies from our Sites, then you may not be able to gain access to all of the content and facilities.


Security of information

LB Group hosts the personal information and data in Australia via our server provider who uses industry standard encryption and protection policies.

We invest considerable resources to protect personal information against unauthorised access, misuse, loss, destruction, modification or disclosure. 

We use security procedures and technology to protect the information we hold which includes encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection and anti-virus technology to prevent unauthorised access. We engage with cyber security experts for 24-hour monitoring of all our systems for multi layered security protection. We also use valid log-in identification protocols and password-based security, such as two factor authentication (2FA) to achieve electronic information security. Access to and use of personal information is regulated within LB Group to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure, these policies include regular auditing, training, and monitoring.  


Notifiable data breach

LB Group is aware of its obligations under the Privacy Act where a breach of personal information occurs and the breach is likely to result in serious harm to any individual impacted by the data breach. In such a circumstance, LB Group has procedures in place to assess the breach to determine if an eligible data breach has occurred. If this is the case, LB Group will implement our Data Protection Process to manage the data breach, including notifying individuals impacted by the breach and if required, notifying the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


Data retention

We will only retain your information for as long as necessary, to provide products or services and any other regulatory or legal requirements such as accounting or reporting purposes. 

Where the personal information we collect is no longer required, we destroy the information or permanently de-identify it in accordance with relevant laws and our policy.


Accessing and updating your information 

We take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we hold is as accurate as possible. 

You are able to contact us at any time and request a correction if you believe the information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete. We may require any request in writing to prove the validity of the requested updated information. We will respond to any request within a reasonable time.

It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current so we can ensure the integrity of the products and services that we supply. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during your dealings with us.

If you wish to cease receiving information, products or services from the LB Group, you may let us know either by email or phone or unsubscribe at any time and your request will be actioned as soon as possible.


What if I have a complaint?

If you have any concerns or complaints about the way your personal information has been collected or handled by LB Group, please contact us directly on 03 9739 6186 or 

We will endeavour to address your concern or complaint no later than 14 days after such a concern or complaint has been received. It is our intention to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction. 

However, if you are unsatisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who may investigate your complaint further. 

Further information about the application of the Australian Privacy Act, and how to contact the Commissioner, can be found at 


Contact us

We are committed to respecting our customers’ privacy in accordance with the above policy. If you have any questions regarding this policy or wish to request additional information, delete, or correct any of your personal information we hold about you please contact LB Group at

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time-to-time.

June 21, 2024