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Refund Policy

We offer a refund, exchange or credit in the following circumstances:

• An item is faulty
• Change of mind within 21 days of purchase (Textbooks only)

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The following products are not able to be returned (unless faulty):

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• Secondhand books


Returning Online Orders (Delivery)

If you need to return an item that was purchased in error, please return the book to us within 21 days along with your receipt, ensuring adequate packaging so the book is not damaged (if returning via post). Once we have assessed the book and determined it can be resold, you will receive a refund, less original postage. If the book is received damaged, it will be returned to you at your cost.

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Refunding eBooks

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Receiving Your Refund

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Cancelling an Order & Change of Mind

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For more information regarding our refund policy, please refer to our Terms.